I noticed a Yelp Elite event at Shred415 during a time when I was looking for a new gym. I signed up for my first class on July 19, 2019 and remember Kathleen and Michael being so welcoming and friendly. I loved the layout of the studio and after my first class I was instantly hooked and signed up as an unlimited member. I kept trying to persuade my then fiancé to join me, “you show up for an hour and someone tells you what to do the entire time”. Matt decided to join me for his first class on August 10, 2019.
At my 50 class milestone I jumped on the scale and realized that I was down 20 pounds. I couldn’t believe it. During the week, we don’t always attend the same class times together but our Saturday routine is almost always the same with the 9am class at Shred415 Highlands. After planning vacations, we searched the Shred415 app to see if we could squeeze in a class near where we’re visiting. I’ve been known to email the studio to ask which treadmills have fans before we book a class. While on vacation we made visits to Brentwood, Missouri and Old Town, Chicago studios.
We have some special memories Shredding together! On our last trip to Chicago for my birthday we met Tracy, the Co-Founder of Shred415 and we got married October 10, 2020, and Shredded together the morning of our wedding. Matt and I both start on the decks but on opposite sides of the studio. Being able to select our starting spot on the Shred415 app is our favorite! We are “those people” that always book the same spot for every class we sign up for. Matt beat me to the 200 and 300 milestones, but I was finally able to catch up to him and we hit our 415 and 500 class milestones together! I am not one to go out of my way to start a conversation with someone but really enjoy the community feel of Shred415. Four years and I still feel challenged and excited for the start of every class. Thank you to the studios we visit on vacation that welcome us in with open arms and a special thanks to the entire staff at Shred415 Highlands for a consistently amazing experience!