I’ve been on a weight loss journey for over 20 years. I’ve been to more gyms and classes than I can remember or recount. It’s been a roller coaster of gaining and losing. I hit my highest weight ever in 2019 but I couldn’t do anything about it because like I always do, I let my personal life overtake my physical health.
Early 2020 I liked a post on Instagram and received a message to come visit the studio that was about to open. I thought it looked like what I was used to and could be right for me. I signed up the same day I visited and haven’t regretted my decision once – except leg day, I hate leg day!
Shred has given me the will, strength and confidence I needed to lose this weight one last time!
So far I’ve lost over 50 pounds, many inches and I’ve never felt better. It’s been a long year full of stress and challenges but I’ve never once took a Shred class and thought I should’ve stayed home.
I know I will make my goal weight with the help of the amazing trainers who cheer me on when I don’t think I have anything left! One more thing to love about Shred415, not only does Shred help me with my physical health but it also keeps us involved as a community. Who could ask for more?!
Shred415 is the total package and I’m so blessed to be a part of the Shred415 family!