In mid-2018 I had 2 little kids and a very stressful career. I was sitting at my desk and had a mild heart attack which sent me to the hospital. I spent my 30s eating and drinking, but not exercising and taking care of my body. I tried telling myself that I needed to do better, eat better, and exercise more. It never happened. I turned 40, no change. I turned 41, no change. I told myself it was too hard and took too much time. During the pandemic, I got an email from a place called Shred415. I made the decision to finally do something and check it out. I attended my first class and just kept going back with the mentality of going one class at a time, one week at a time and one month at a time. After a while, I noticed incredible changes to my body and my personality. I’m now almost a year in, attend class 5-6 times a week and have nothing but praise for everyone at Shred415 Sandy Springs. It has truly changed my life!
- How did you find Shred415 Sandy Springs?
- Clark: “I received an email from the owners through a distribution list sent to parents of kids who go to the Mount Vernon Presbyterian School. My kids attend school there and so do the kids of Krista (one of the owners).”
- What were thoughts before and after your first class?
- Clark: “I am not (I repeat NOT) a terribly outgoing person, especially when it comes to exercise. So, I was really nervous to take a class with others. But, the instructors made it fun (and difficult) and made me feel welcome in the studio. I realized that everyone was there to learn and improve themselves which made me very comfortable to return.”
- Do you have any fun memories or inspiration from your Instructors that motivate you to continue to attend classes?
- Clark: “Paige makes people laugh in class, knows you by name and makes you feel like part of the community. Courtney is a great instructor who challenges you and also asks you how you are doing personally. Randy is expert of fitness and his classes are truly educational experiences. Ronnie brings the humor and always teaches a great class. Amy makes you always work hard – even on a Sunday morning. And I loved the Halloween class with the black lights; my kids loved that one too!
- What are the differences you’ve noticed in your body since you became a Shredder?
- Clark: My transformation has been unmistakeable (see photo). At the start around July 2020 I was about 210lbs and a size 38. On April 29, 2021 I was 167lbs and a size 32. I had to buy an entire new wardrobe, one that makes me proud of myself. I could barely run at the beginning and am now consistently running a 5k every class.
- How has Shred415 helped you accomplish your goals, inside and outside the studio?
- Clark: In addition to Shred, I changed my food intake and watched it seriously. But that’s just pounds. Shred changed my physique and mentality. Shred taught me that I could push past previously thought limits and be part of a community. I went from someone who didn’t want to exercise around other people to someone who can’t wait for the next Shred415 class.